GRADUAN National Inter-Varsity Cultural Camp 1.0
GRADUAN National Inter-Varsity Cultural Camp 1.0
第一届大专青全国大专交流营《文化号》是由马来西亚大专青年协会主催,理大中华文化艺术坊主办,中国报协办--主题名为《文化号 · 启航》。理大中华文化艺术坊作为主办单位承办大专交流营,目的是让来自不同国立和私立大专的领袖精英们齐聚一堂、对彼此大专和学会团体以及承办活动方针有更进一步的认识。为了让这个平台继续发挥其作用来增进彼此间的联系,交流营会由不同大专和学会继续承办。 文化号活动宗旨为促进各个大专组织之间的友好关系及提供一个互相了解的平台、培养爱护本土文化的新青年、了解马来西亚华人文化的来源与它随着时间变迁的演变、了解文化对一个地方及当地居民的重要性与影响以及激发起更多新的火花以让各个大专的文化活动有正面的改变
全国大专交流营《文化号 · 启航》于 2015年12月4日至7日举办,举办地点为槟城。 此次交流营活动焦点包括《你说我说大家说!》,让各大专一起分享你我他美丽的传奇故事,让大家有机会更了解彼此。此外,为了提升营员们对华人文化的了解,团队也筹备一些关于被偷走的华人文化的主题讲座。还有《英雄降临》、《名侦探柯南之夜》、《火线争霸战》等一系列好玩刺激的团队游戏。而主办单位也筹备了游走槟城的相关活动,一起追寻《那些年我们一起追的美食》,不忘把槟城特色介绍给来自不同地方的大专生以更加了解文化的精髓与美妙之处。
National Inter-Varsity Cultural Camp (NIVC) kick started in 2015. Empowered by Persatuan GRADUAN Muda Malaysia (GRADUAN), organized by Chinese Arts and Cultural Secretariat of USM (USM SKKT), supported by China Press with the theme - "Cultural.First Sail". The aim of NIVC is to provide a platform for the leaders and elites from universities all over Malaysia and overseas to strengthen the relationship between one another and get to know more about their respective universities. Secondly, advocating the spirit of idea exchange and instilling the Tionghua culture among both local and international participants. Lastly, fostering the understanding of campers towards current affairs.
Penang was chosen as the first destination for NIVC before holding it across the nation. The programs designed were interesting and educational to ensure a memorable camp for participants and most importantly returning with knowledge. In order to promote the Tionghua culture that has passed down for centuries, seminars and sharing sessions by experienced speakers were held to share their ideas specifically on the richness of Tionghua culture in Penang. Creative night games and station games were set as part of the agendas to bring joy and laughter in the camp. Not forgetting Penang being the paradise of food, a tour around Penang were arranged to ensure participants had the chance to taste the famous hawker food in Penang.
Penang - The Pearl of the Orient, what a great time we had!