GRADUAN National Inter-Varsity Cultural Camp 2.0

第二届《文化号》全国大专交流营之《文化·扬帆》是由全国大专青年协会主催,彭大中华文化理事会主办,中国报协办.全国大专交流营也准备了一系 列的活动例如交流联谊,讲座和团队游戏等。


本营活动焦点包括《你,怎么说?》,让各大专精英领袖在一些课题上发表自己的看法。此外,为了提升营员们对华人文化的了解,我们也筹备一些主题讲座关 于生活中被忽略的文化与景色。还有《过关斩将》,《奔跑吧,孩子》等都是一系列刺激好玩的团队游戏。而主办单位也会筹备游走文冬的相关活动,一步一印探索文冬的历史、文化及生活,了解马来西亚华社里常被忽略的日常生活文化。

GRADUAN NATIONAL INTER-VARSITY CULTURAL CAMP 2.0 "Culture.Sailing" was empowered by Persatuan GRADUAN Muda Malaysia (GRADUAN), organised by UMP (Gambang) Chinese Culture Council and co-organized by China Press. Activities in NIVC2.0 includes networking session, industrial experienced sharing sessions and team building games.

Bentong, Pahang has been selected as to organise NIVC2.0 due to its strong atmosphere of Chinese culture and significant historical values. Bentong is a municipality located in western Pahang, Malaysia. The original main street going into Bentong town has been modified to a dual carriageway and now Bentong Town has been declared as the first "Fresh Air Lung Washing" destination in the country.

One of the highlights in NIVC 2.0 is a session named "What do you say?". The participants who are also elite leaders from universities across the nation had expressed their sharp opinion on some topics regarding the inheritance of local culture. In addition, we invited distinguished speaker to give talks in order to expose participants in different aspects of the Tionghua culture. There were also exciting and fun team building games such as "Cross the Border" and "Running Man”. The organising committees had organised activities including travelling around Bentong so that the participants had the chance to explore the history, culture of Bentong and understand the daily lifestyle of the local community.


Selection of Organizing Committee Pitching Session




Debate Competition


Station Tour


Station Games


Pool War


Universities Night